Monday, May 15, 2006

"O" Trumped by "W"

Oprah Winfrey, the goddess of this age, was planning the airing of her special, Oprah's Legends Ball, on tonight on ABC television. However, President Bush has taken the airways over this evening with a special message for the American people. The Legend's Ball will air on next Monday, May 21. Apparently, for all of her pop culture deification, "O" still must give way to "W". Nevertheless, this should not let us relax our discernment. Oprah is a clear and present danger to the people in our pews. You may not believe it, but I am quite confident that a vast majority of African-Americans who sit in churches find more comfort and counseling from Oprah Winfrey than they find in the Bibles that are placed in the pews in front of them. Oprah's power and influence should not be underestimated, she seeks to set the emotional and spiritual direction of not only Black America, but for all the television world. She is the epitome of the New Age gurus and the outworking of 20th century theological liberalism. Her's is the religion and pulpit so eloquently summarized by H. Richard Niebuhr, in which he characterized liberalism as preaching, "A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross." This is the message our people are hearing five days a week from Oprah. My question is, "Are we proclaiming anything different on Sunday morning?"

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