Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Fool and His Money

Today I was at the website of The Infidel Guy. This is the brain cramp of Reginald Vaughn Finley who is an African-American, strong freethinking Atheist. As I was at his site, I noticed that he had a couple of links for donations for the survivors of Katrina. I could not help but wonder, why he would give his money to such a hopeless, useless cause as saving humanity. I mean, what difference does it make if they die today or next week or next year? Human beings are nothing more than a fortuitous collection of molecules, highly evolved tadpoles, right? I wonder if he will have donations for all those displaced tadpoles along the Gulf Coast. Oh.... wait a minute.... if the free(enslaved)thinkers are right, these monies are for the displaced tadpoles. No wonder the bible calls this the thinking of a fool (Ps. 14:1; 53:1). God be exalted (Ps. 46:10)!


ajcarter said...

Well Mr. Levesque, please forgive me if it sounded as if I wanted Mr. Finley or any atheist to stop supporting the relief efforts in the Gulf Coast. God forbid! My point was and remains, that to support such an effort is to borrow from the theistic (Christian) worldview. Undoubtedly, you will deny this. Yet, your actions (well intended and received) speak louder than your words. May God continue to bless your efforts at helping the victims. I am sure the victims are grateful.

ajcarter said...

"In the beginning, God..." There was no civilization before God.

ron said...

An atheist will RECEIVE no such reward.