Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Holy Ambition

For our Family Worship time tonight, I shared with my family this excerpt from a sermon by John Piper in which he described the need for kids (and all of us) to understand our need to develop A Holy Ambition. Without a doubt, the thing that I see most needful in my own church fellowship is a desire and a drive to want to go and do for the Lord. We have a tendency, particularly among African-American Christians, to desire a comfortable, easy, prosperous life because such things were not easily afforded to our parents and grandparents. Most African-American Christians I know are faithful church goers but have little desire for sacrificial living or giving. Their conversations are not about ambitions for the Kingdom of God, but rather about establishing monetary kingdoms on this earth. There is very little contemplation of giving up this world in anticipation of the next. There is little to no talk of Holy Ambitions. Once again, Piper has reminded us that we need to all have a Holy Ambition for God.
What are you desiring to do that God also desires you to do? What are you desiring to do that will cause you to be uncomfortable, unsafe, and even uneasy because it requires more faith than you are accustomed to exercising? What kingdom mission are you on for the Master of the Kingdom?
These are just a few of the questions that I am challenged with this evening. I will have more thoughts along this line soon. Until then, watch this excerpt from John and if you are so moved, watch the entire message at the link above.

Note: If you are reading this post and are a member of Southwest Christian Fellowship, don't be surprised if you hear from me in the near future words that reflect John's sentiments in this message. I can't speak for all churches, but I do know that our church needs to hear this. You need to hear this.


Anonymous said...

A humble response of sorts:


Anonymous said...

Your post make me think of Dr. Micheal Johnson and his wife, Kay, who have been missionaries in Kenya for the last 20 years.
He just published a book about his adventures there....if you want to check him out go to

Anonymous said...

I meant to add that they are African American missionaries in Kenya...he has a heart to see more in the African-American community serving Christ overseas.

His book was eye opening to me as a white American of the prejudice that exists in missions....nonetheless he has perservered...a powerful testimony of his and Kay's "Holy Ambition"...I'd recommend his book,
"What Jesus Wouldn't Do- Making the Blind Man Lame".

ajcarter said...

Thanks Terry. How can I get a copy?