Wednesday, March 01, 2006

All Nations Christian Fellowship

This coming weekend is the kick-off worship service for the church plant, All Nations Christian Fellowship in the Minneapolis, MN area. Sherard Burns will be the preaching pastor, and all those called to be under his preaching will be blessed. Without a doubt, there is a need for more biblically grounded churches. As we search around our neighborhoods, and find more church buildings than necessary, we are moved to lament the availability of solid, well-rounded, biblically grounded churches. The challenge today is for more churches to plant churches that will go forth with biblical, historical, and experiential Christianity (Reformed Christianity, that is). John Piper expressed this need in a brief statement concerning the planting of All Nations Christian Fellowship. Also, By Faith Online, the bi-monthly magazine for the Presbyterian Church of America, has a excellent article on this issue entitled The Joy of Planting New Churches. The article begins:
"What would you guess is the most effective way to reach nonbelievers for
Jesus Christ: Evangelistic crusades? Special outreach events? Formal witnessing
programs? Parachurch ministries targeting specific types of people? Actually,
none of the above. PCA experts on evangelism and church growth agree that the
most consistent, fruitful way of taking the gospel to the lost is to plant new
Let us pray for All Nations Christian Fellowship. Let us pray for Sherard and the leadership of this church. And let us pray that God will raise up more brothers with a vision for church planting that will continue this movement of the rebirth of Reformed theology in our day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to join in praying.