Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Learning Humility

Humility is a learned virtue. No one is born humble. It is an aspect of godliness that we must learn to joyfully embrace. I am learning. And I do plan to be enrolled in this school for a long, long time. One way of knowing that we are growing in our humility is in the way we give and receive criticism. Ironically, criticism is far too easy to give, and far too difficult to receive. Yet, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we must a people who are able to give graciously only that which are able to receive graciously. I am learning to receive criticism better because of an article a friend shared with me on The Cross and Criticism. I pray that I am learning to give criticism more graciously as well. I know of no one who could not be better at both aspect of this Christian duty. So read, and pass along. And the next time you have in your mind to wash my feet and serve me through a legitimate criticism, please do so. I am being better prepared to receive it. Just be warned, I am inclined to wash a few feet of my own from time to time. God bless :-).

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