Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Out with the Shout!

Scotty Williams, over at Réformateur Créole Noir (Black Creole Reformer), has a good and thought provoking article on the phenomenon that is called "shouting." The article is entitled: Despiritualizing Shouting in the Black Church. Most of us who grew up in the predominantly black church are familiar with this phenomenon and perhaps have even found ourselves as a participate. Scotty sheds some good historical and biblical light upon the subject. It is well worth your time to read and consider. Thanks for serving us, SW.


Wyeth Duncan said...

Bro. Anthony,
I also read, and recommend, Scotty Williams' article, "Despiritualizing Shouting". It motivated me to write my own take on shouting or "getting happy" in church. You can check it out on my new blog, "adebtortomercy.blogspot.com". I appreciate your ministry, both in person and on the Web! Blessings to you. Wyeth Duncan

Scotty J. Williams said...

Oh Parkwa mes amis (Creole for "Don't Mention it my friends"). I'm glad that you were blessed by my writings, and know that I have been blessed tremendously by your writings as well. I just felt that something needed to be said about it after I gave those series of lectures; I saw how misinformed we are as a people and it broke my heart. Like both of you I love the Black church, but I hate how we have put things that are not in the Holy Scriptures on the same level as the Holy Scriptures. When I think of these things, I can only say what my Catholic relatives in New Roads say when they pray, "Ora Pronobis (pray for us)". Again Parkwa mes amis...correction mes frer's (my brothers).

Peace in King Jesus,
~Scotty Williams