Monday, August 18, 2008

And a little child shall lead them?

I don't think the prophet had this in mind. Speechless!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I wonder if that child would be considered "able to teach" simply based on his enthusiasm...

FellowElder said...

Has the child been watching Pentecostal preachers or the WWF??!

I'm speechless as well, brother.

Anonymous said...

This is painful to watch. How could someone actually find value in displaying this in church?

Anonymous said...

If you think exploiting this baby is sick, get a load of "baby TD Jakes".

He's even got the wardrobe! It's a shame when most parents can't/won't teach the Gospel to their children, so the "pastor" is the only godly influence on the kids. And if the pastor has the theological depth of a small dog bowl, get the picture.

not used anymore. said...

wow. i feel uneasy. i don't know how to feel about that. That's just wrong. It's a mockery.

Ebony Puritan said...

What! Are you serious? What in Sam Hill are the people saying "Hallelujah" and "Thank you Jesus" to? This video is straight apalling!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed ... Speechless


Keith L. Tolbert said...

He actually makes more sense than Benny Hinn!

Kevin said...

LOL!!! Sometimes we are just plan stupid! You have to laugh. Not just at child but at the adults in the background with their encouragement. LAUGH because it funny!

Flavel's friend said...

is this child a relative of the clown who rode the motorbike into the church?
just when I thought I had seen it all...

Anonymous said...

That was a shame! He didn't even give the invitation!

Seriously, this was horrible, and the people can't discern he's imitating what he's heard?

Anonymous said...

Oh please, let your hair down; the child is not preaching, only imitating as children do; and he is clearly gifted. Just make sure to give him some theology and add content to all that puffing.

Most Christians don't raise an eyebrow when their children are playing at shooting and murdering one another with guns;or numbing their minds in front of television or playstation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the majority on this video. It is not a matter to "let your hair down" about. It is not that he is playing as children do, but this child is being taught a form of "religion" that is nothing but emotional hype.
It is cute to see a child mimic things, but the fact that this is encouraged, and applauded is heart breaking.
I am all for passionate preaching, but what was displayed here was not passion.
I wonder if they would have caused such a ruckus if the child had stood up and just said, "Repent or perish!"

WalksbyF8h said...

"The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of wisdom".

Seems to me that little fellas' parents have no fear whatsoever of The Almighty.