Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Snow Day in Atlanta

It's snowing in Atlanta this morning!

I moved to Atlanta from Michigan many moons ago to get away from God's fury of flakes. Once again this morning I am reminded that not only do I not know where the snow is stored (Job 38:22), but I don't know the manner of its falling (Job 37:5-6). I would not pretend to compare this morning in Atlanta, to the many years I spent growing up during the wintry months of Michigan, yet for a now established Southerner who sees no fascination with the so called anomaly of snow in Atlanta, today I would prefer to stay in doors. My children, on the other hand, relish the opportunity to get out in the wintry precipitation. I can only marvel at their excitement and naivete and say to myself, "If they only knew."

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